Building positive work safety culture

Building a positive work safety culture

Bringing about positive change

Having a robust safety culture is only half the equation, the beliefs of the organisation (including workers) wanting that system and wanting it to work effectively is the KEY.

Our consultants have the technical and field experience necessary to not only develop and implement a robust safety system, but they understand how to nurture and create the positive culture that is needed to ensure it is effective.

How we can bring positive work safety culture to your company

Our proven methods to a positive culture

What we do to help drive positive culture

  • Understand what the current culture is
  • Develop strategies to initiate change
  • Facilitate workshops to plant the seeds of change

What we have to offer

Trained experts

We're tertiary trained experts

The team at Workplace Safety Consultants in Perth are tertiary trained that complements their working experiences, this enables the company aphorism – “Safety made Easy!”.

Experienced team

Your experienced team

Our team has extensive experience from working within a variety of industry sectors which includes mining, processing, smelting, rural, manufacturing, light and heavy industry, construction and quarrying, hospitality, health and community services, professional services and transport.

Accreditations and standards

Accreditation, standards & quality

We provide assistance in the development, maintenance and compliance of systems that meet the requirements for Accreditation to AS-45001 Australian Safety Standard, ISO 9001 Quality Management & ISO-14001 Environmental Management.

Offices through out Australia

Offices through out Australia

We have several offices throughout Australia which enables us to have on hand experienced HSE consultants ready and available to assist as required.

Browse by WHS Services

Injury management

Injury Management

Safety Management Systems

Safety Management Systems

Audits and Inspections

Audits and Inspections

Providing HSE Staff

Providing HSE Staff

WHS training

WHS Training

Incident Investigation

Contractor Management

Contractor Management

Work Safety

Work Safety Culture

Get in touch with us today
