Workplace Safety Consultants
Helping keep WA Workplaces Safe
Workplace Health & Safety Consultants in Perth, WA
Providing OH&S consulting to Australian Industries

About Us
WHS consultants in Perth, WA
Perth Workplace Safety Consultants are a leading WHS provider of workplace health and safety consulting to the Agriculture, Construction, Maintenance, Mining, Oil and Gas, Processing, Rail and Smelters industries.
We provide WHS/OHS advice to any situation. We provide OHS/WHS experts in their field to develop safety management systems, facilitate risk assessments for specific processes or for holistic processes and/or to undertake onsite audits or desktop audits to provide an indication of where your business is at.
As your top workplace safety consultants, we make Safety Easy for you!
What We Do
Risk Assessments
Risk Assessments are what we’re best at. As workplace safety consultants, every task that is undertaken has some form of risk attached to it, how the risk and hazards are firstly identified and then secondly controlled is the KEY to ensuring the OHS risks are managed. effectively.
Audits & Inspections
Our auditing & inspect services for WHS are second to none. Auditing is one way of understanding if your management system is working as planned. Auditing is a proactive approach to ensure your safety management system is effective an complying with the state and federal regulations.
Injury Management
Need guidance on injury management? We can help. Not only is it a requirement under the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 for a business to have in place an Injury Management Plan, it’s also smart business.
Incident Investigation
Our incident investigation services are here to help you. When and if an incident or accident occurs, it is imperative that they are investigated thoroughly to ensure the root causes have been identified and controls actioned to prevent any reoccurrence.
WHS Training
We do WHS training. Training is an important tool that helps your business both from a financial and safety standpoint. Having trained employees who know how to complete their tasks safely without injury or damaging equipment, complete their tasks safer, quicker and cheaper is highly beneficial.
Providing HSE Staff
Having HSE staff with the right experience and technical ability sometimes can be a struggle especially when trying to find that right fit. Or you may be in a situation where you need HSE staff if your business isn’t large enough. That’s where we can help.
Some of our happy clients